Friday, July 3, 2009

Wheat Harvest 2009

Well, here we are again....wheat harvest! We went back again to help out....Brody loved it! The older he gets the more he understands......however, he still has this fascination with SWATHERS (oh yeah, thats the first thing he would like to ride when we go back to my was the story of the century when the swather had a flat tire, I think he went up to the shed to visit it a handful of times while waiting for it to be fixed) Anywho.....this trip was all about the combine!
The picture below, first of all is ADORABLE, but he was following "Crappa" around while he serviced and oiled up the combine before starting the day.
Daddy and Brody in the wheat it!

something about this picture below....just makes me thank God for growing up on a farm and for the opportunity to share the memories that I grew up making with my family and making even more memories
playing in the dirt at the field
The pic below.....what can I say....makes me smile every single time I look at it. I can just hear Brody saying "Wait for me Crappa, what are you doing Crappa, why are you doing that Crappa, can I help?"

Brody helping Grandma water her flowers
Beautiful sunset after a great day of harvest


Rupp Family said...

Those are GREAT!! You did such a great job miss photographer!! Miss you already. Give Bro a hug.

MamaGottaRun said...

Great pics! Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Have a nice weekend at the shower and tell the Pedigos hello for us.